How can we quantify William O’Neil’s CAN SLIM investment strategy?

Each and every factor of CAN SLIM can be quantified.

For the benefit of all users, let’s understand the history of CAN SLIM and what does it stand for.

CAN SLIM is a growth investing strategy formulated by ace investor William O’Neil. Early on in his career, O’Neil did an extensive research on U.S. stock market winners to find the common characteristics between them.

William O’Neil observed that most of the multi-baggers shared seven common characteristics. He then started investing in stocks that had these seven traits and went on to become one of the all time investing legends. Continue reading “How can we quantify William O’Neil’s CAN SLIM investment strategy?”

Chart Of The Day- Symphony Brings Harmony; Stock Rises 5.76%

Symphony- an air cooler manufacturer gained 5.76% in today’session on more than average volume. The stock has broken out from double base bottom in early November and is currently trading 16% above its pivot level of INR 1,520. The Company has a strong fundamental as its revenue and earnings over the last three years have grown at an average of 15% and 23%, respectively.


Daily Big Picture – BJP Expands Empire But The Nifty Fails To Hold The 10,400 Mark

Today’s Action:

The markets observed a turn of events in today’s trading session. After opening 200 and 800 points down, respectively, the Nifty and the Sensex marched strongly towards reclaiming their all-time highs. Gujarat election results spurred the demand in the market; however, the indices closed below the day’s high. Continue reading “Daily Big Picture – BJP Expands Empire But The Nifty Fails To Hold The 10,400 Mark”

Looking For Great Stocks? First Use A Checklist To Identify Great Bases

Before you travel a long way, you make a checklist of what to do. You pack clothes. Ask your neighbour to collect your mail. Lock all the doors. Then finally you go. By checking everything off your “to do” list, you eliminate many unnecessary bumps along the way.

Adopt a similar mindset when you prepare an “investing trip” with a growth stock. Continue reading “Looking For Great Stocks? First Use A Checklist To Identify Great Bases”