Always Check Price & Volume

The price changes in a stock tell you only part of the story. To get the full picture, you need to also check the volume.

The reason is simple: You can’t tell how meaningful a price gain – or price drop – is until you see how much volume is behind it.

It’s like being told over the phone that you have a leak in your kitchen pipes. You’ll immediately want to know if it’s a little trickle – or a flood! In other words, you’d check the volume of water coming through that leak to gauge how serious it is.

Same with your stocks: Checking the related trading volume is the only way to get an accurate read on what the price movement actually means.

Follow the Funds

To understand the story, the price and volume action in a chart is revealing, you need to recall what we noted earlier:

Fund managers and other large institutional investors account for the bulk of all trading in the market. It’s their enormous buying and selling power – not the trading of smaller individual investors – that pushes a stock either up or down.

So when you’re looking at volume on a chart, what you’re really looking at is the trading activity of these large investors.

Once you know what to look for in terms of price and volume action – and what it means – the “story” behind the stock will become increasingly clear. Then with that knowledge, you can determine the best time to buy, sell or hold.

Key Price and Volume Indicators to Watch

Look for unusual volume: As you go through the scenarios below, understand that you’re looking for unusual volume – either unusually heavy or unusually light. That’s what reveals what fund managers and other large investors are doing at critical moments, such as when a stock breaks out of a base pattern or falls below a moving average line.

For example, if a stock that normally trades two million shares a day all of a sudden trades four million, you need to pay attention. That’s a sign of unusual institutional trading and you need to understand what story it’s telling.

But how can you tell if a stock is trading “unusual” volume? If you read that Microsoft traded five billion shares yesterday, it sounds like a lot, but what does that really tell you? Knowing the volume for the day isn’t helpful unless you can compare it with the stock’s average trading volume.

MarketSmith has a key data point called the Volume Percentage Change that does just that. The Volume Percent Change compares the stock’s trading volume from the previous day with the number of shares traded on an average daily basis over the last 50 trading sessions. For example, if Microsoft’s Volume Percent Change is 55%, that means Microsoft’s stock traded 55% more than average, – a sign of unusual strength.

Intraday Trend: If you check during the trading session while the market is still open, “Volume % Change” shows you if volume is trending higher or lower based on the amount of trading so far that day or week.