According to MarketSmith founder and legendary investor William J. O’Neil, the first step in learning how
to pick big stock market winners is to examine leaders of the past. From these observations, you will be
able to recognize the characteristics these stocks had just before their spectacular price advances.

Toward that goal, O’Neil completed a comprehensive study of the greatest winning stocks spanning the past
125 years. He then put together a set of common characteristics to these past market leaders and coined
the term CAN SLIM®. Each letter stands for one of the seven chief characteristics of
these greatest winning stocks, just before they made huge profits for their shareholders.

It’s this philosophy that helped O’Neil become the youngest person at the time to buy a seat on the New
York Stock Exchange. It’s also the same philosophy that allowed our India model portfolio return over
106% in 2013-16 vs. Nifty’s 51% gain. The reason CAN SLIM® continues to work cycle after
cycle in countries throughout the globe is that it’s based solely on the reality of how the stock market
actually works rather than personal opinions. Human nature at work in the market simply doesn’t change.

CAN SLIM® Investing System & History

Once you buy a stock, when should you sell ? Many investors simply don’t have an exit strategy – and
their returns suffer accordingly. But you can use time-proven sell rules to make a huge difference in
your portfolio.

Learn more about the
CAN SLIM® Investing System >

C: Current Quarterly Earnings

Look for stocks with big earnings in their latest reported period. The bigger, the better.
Growth of at least 25% is a good starting point. You would also like to see earnings
acceleration over the last three periods. For example, one period earnings may be up 25%,
the next up 50%, and the most recent up 90%.

Earnings Growth is an important factor to look at when buying stocks. Look for stocks with
increases in current quarterly earnings of at least 25%.

Current Earnings
Interim earnings are located in the Details tab within Quarterly Earnings.
Learn more about the
Current Quarterly Earnings >

A: Annual Earnings Growth

You want to see annual earnings growth of at least 25% for each of the last 3 years. We have
also found that the greatest stocks of all time had the best margins in their industry group
and return on equity of more than 17%.

In addition to quarterly earnings you want to make sure companies are showing strong long
term growth. Look for companies that have grown their earnings at least 25% or more for the
past 3 years.

Current Earnings
Annual earnings are located in the Details tab within Yearly Earnings.
Learn more about the
Annual Earnings Growth >

N: New Product, Service, Management or Price High

The biggest CAN SLIM® winners had something NEW! New products, new services,
new leadership, new price high or a new condition in the industry. Another important factor
is to look for newer companies. Our studies of the greatest stock market winners showed that
75% of them went public within the last 8 years.

Studies of the great stock market winners of the past all had something NEW. Always look for
companies with new, game-changing products and services.

Current Earnings
New High is indicated by the Off High value on the iPad chart.
Learn more about the N in
the CAN SLIM® Investing System >

S: Supply and Demand

One of the most basic economic principles is the law of supply and demand which is most
sharply demonstrated in the stock market. Strong demand for a limited supply of available
shares will push a stock price up. On the flip side, an oversupply of shares and weak demand
will cause the price to sag.

S is for Supply and Demand. As more investors demand a limited supply of shares, a stock’s
price goes up. Look for heavy-volume accumulation by institutional investors, particularly
at key moments like when the stock is breaking above prior resistance levels.

Current Earnings
Our Accummulation/Distribution Rating is an indicator of demand or supply of a
Learn more about Supply
& Demand >

L: Leader or Laggard

True leaders are those companies showing the best earnings growth, strongest sales, superior
price performance and are in LEADING industry groups. Consider buying high, and selling
higher. The results from our study of the greatest market winners revealed something quite
interesting in effect, the ‘strong got stronger.’ The task for astute investors is to locate
these strong, leading companies and avoid the weak, laggard performers.

We are always looking to buy leading stocks in leading industry groups. Look for the best of
the best – the leaders in strong industries that are showing superior earnings growth and

Current Earnings
A stock’s ranking within its Industry Group is available in the Related tab.
Learn more about buying
Leaders >

I: Institutional Sponsorship

Mutual funds, banks, and other professional investors are the big players that drive the
market. For a stock to be a top performer, it must have institutional support to fuel its
price moves. Monitor movements in heavy volume for signs that institutional investors are
accumulating stocks.

Professional investors, like mutual funds and pension funds, propel a stock’s upward
movement. Using MarketSmith India, you will learn how to follow the big money.

Current Earnings
Our Accummulation/Distribution Rating is an indicator of institutional
Learn more
about Institutional Sponsorship >

M: Market Direction

Our study shows 3 out of 4 stocks follow the market’s trend, so you always want to trade in
sync with the market. You should only be buying stocks in a confirmed uptrend and protect
your capital in a correction.

Current Earnings
Our current market status is indicated within Market Outlook.
Learn more about
MarketSmith India’s Market Calls >