Why Use Stock Chart

We use fundamentals such as earnings and sales to determine what stocks to buy and we use charts to determine when to buy and sell those stocks.

“Just as doctors would be irresponsible not to use X-rays on their patients, investors are just plain foolish if they don’t learn to interpret the price and volume patterns found on stock charts”.

-William J. O’Neil,MarketSmith Founder

Chart-reading is the single most important investing skill you’ll ever learn.

To understand why stock charts are so valuable, you have to first realize that fund managers and other large institutional investors account for 80% of all trading activity in the market. It is their buying and selling that will either push your stock up or down. So as an individual investor, your basic goal is to buy stocks institutional investors are buying heavily – and avoid stocks they’re aggressively selling. That’s where charts come in. Once you know what to look for, you’ll see that charts literally show you what these big investors are doing. You’ll be able to quickly recognize when a stock is being heavily bought or sold – and you’ll use that information to identify the best time to buy, sell or hold your stock positions.

Charts Tell You a “Story”

While some people view charts as overly technical, a chart is nothing more than a visual representation of changes in share price and trading volume. There is nothing mysterious or intimidating about them. That’s especially true once you realize that charts do one simple thing: They tell you a story. They cut through all the rumours, headlines and hype to paint an objective picture of what is really going on with the stock:

  1. Are fund managers enthusiastically buying The share price ranged from? or are they heading for the exits, unloading shares as fast as they can?
  2. Despite some recent price declines, have institutional investors actually been stepping in to support the stock and pick up more shares – meaning it could be heading for even bigger gains?
  3. How have big investors reacted to recent news about the stock? Did they sell even though the news was good? Or did they buy more shares even though the news was bad?

By the end of this section, you’ll know what basic signs to look for to understand what story the chart is telling. And once you’ve done that, the base patterns, buy points, and sell signals covered in the Buying and Selling sections will start to make sense – and start making you a more successful investor.

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